
Magnetic Linear lncremental Encoder System Mylin

The purpose of linear encoder systems is to measure the displace­ment on industrial an automation systems. lt is an incremental meas­uring system, which consists of a sensing head and a magnetic encode tape. 

The tape has alternating magnetic north-south poles with a gap up to 2.5 mm. 

The sensor head is moved along the magnetic tape and produces an output signal equivalent to an incremental encoder or linear scale with a resolution up to 1 µm. 

A distance up to 2.5 mm (approx. 50 % of the pole width} between sensor head and magnetic tape is allowed. 
This system is highly immune to contermination of oils, dust, etc. and his ideal for use is harsh, dusty industrial environments. The highly rugged, flexible magnetic tape can be applied to a tool very easy. 

1. magnetic tape
2. magnetised steel cover tape
3. carrier tape

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